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Manufacturing Diary


PowerPoint Page:

Page 19

It is suggested that this task is completed on the following PowerPoint slide....

(Note: This a suggestion to help you stay within the portfolio page limit but there may be times when this is not suitable).


You need to keep a photographic record of how you made your product. This is evidence that you made it.

Include photos for each of the following steps-

  • Marking out

  • Cutting

  • Forming i.e. bending, drilling etc.

  • Assembly (putting it together)

  • Finishing (painting/sanding/varnishing)

  • Also include photos of any specialist processes you may use i.e. laser cutting

For each photo write a brief explanation of what the photos show.

Teacher Tutorial:

Watch the following tutorial where you will be talked through what you need to do.

Additional Resources:

Below you will find additional resources to support you with completing this task. These include additional tutorials and guidance materials you will have watched during the teacher tutorial.

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