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Cutting List & Costings

Task to complete:

Once you have decided on your final product you will need to produce a cutting list outlining the main materials including stock forms, the sizes of these materials (length/width/depth in MM) and components you will require to make the prototype. Don’t forget to also include the quantity of each component required. You should also include estimated costings leading to an overall manufacturing cost for the product.

Teacher Instruction:


Watch the following tutorial where you will be talked through what you need to do


  • State each part, the materials and the sizes

  • State pre-manufactured components and the quantity required

  • State a cost for each part and component

  • State an overall manufacturing cost

GAP Attainment:

Use the following table to understand what potential grade of work you will produce. Try to aim for the top grade!

GREEN- Grades D-E

You will have outlined the materials for the major parts of the product.

AMBER- Grades B-C

You will have outlined the materials for the major parts of the product. You will have fully costed each part.

PINK- Grades A*-A

You will have outlined the materials for both major and minor parts of the product. You will have fully costed each part.

Additional Resources:


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